Monday, October 27, 2008

beginning a workout

When beginning a workout it is important to find your motivation. If you can find somebody with the same goals as you. This way when you don't want to work out your partner can get you going and vic versa. Like they say, "Two heads is better than one." You both can look up new workouts and new information to keep you going.
Also, if you are a beginner make sure you know what you are doing and cosult your physician before you start. Start light and take it easy. Stretching is crucial when you begin.



BrettvEdwards said...

Ryan, usually I just turn on Drive Me Crazy by Britney Spears on my iPod to get motivated for a workout....It works everytime

Hilary said...

Having done a marketing internship at a wellness center this past summer, I can't agree with you more on the stretching being crucial statement. The owner/head doctor started a new weight loss program and used us, the employees, as guinea pigs... his workouts were tough and not stretching enough can take a big toll on your body... good thing the wellness center had massage therapists :)

Kel Sweeney said...

Good advice --- I always want to start working out and just never do it.