Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday (hump day)

A lot of people have trouble getting in a Wednesday to work out. Use Wednesday as a rest day or do something different. There are many things that are good for you body besides your regular workout. It is good to relax, stretch, or get a massage. This can help your body heal if you have been pushing yourself hard for a few days. You could even take a new class at the gym or pop in a video you haven't used in a long time. You could skip it all together or you could find something new to do so you don't miss it all together.


UD09 said...

I'll hump you!

Germaine said...

You just motivated me! I think I'm going to go tomorrow (even though it's a Wednesday). It will start my week right...even if it's hump day.

Kelley Dodd said...

Good advice! I think I'm going to attend a work-out class!