Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Tips

I found these tips on a website and I thought they were worth sharing with you guys.

Reward yourself. If you find exercise is torture, give yourself something for getting through it. Whether you exercise for 4 days in a row, or jog an extra mile--if you're happy with your performance, give yourself a prize! This could be a day off from the gym, a new pair of jeans...make yourself happy because you deserve it!

Sports count too. If you hate the thought of going out to "exercise," find something you do like. Start a volleyball league at work. Learn to play tennis. You'll have fun and, guess what? You'll be exercising!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Variations in your Workout

Variations in your workout can be key to continuing to change your body. Your body can get used to the exercises and workouts you are doing. If you continue to do the same exercises your body will not just and you will mostly just be maintaining. All you need to do is change something little. If you have been running switch to an elliptical or a bike. If you are used to doing one type of curl switch to another type of curl such as preacher or cable curls. If you are used to doing a cardio workout switch to a more weight training or incorporate both into your workout.Basically it is simple just do something different and you will be extremely happy with the results.

Friday, November 28, 2008


It is easy to overindulge during the holidays. Take it easy. Don't try to eat everything in sight. Don't overfill your plate and then expect yourself to eat it all. Make wise decisions on what you choose to eat. Gravy is good but do you have to put it on everything. If you are running the next day it is not good for you too eat a lot because it will definitely slow you down.
On the other hand, don't' feel too guilty. It is just one day and if you keep it at just one day you're probably not going to kill yourself. Just make sure you don't give up on the workout.
Stay motivated.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Scrap the Scale

The scale is not always the best way to gauge yourself. The problem with weighing yourself is that your body weight fluctuates all the time. If you just finished a workout you may have just lost a lot of water and before a workout you should have a lot of water in your body since I know you've all been drinking lots of water all day.

If you have been training with weights you tend to build muscle mass and muscle weights more than fat so if you are weighing yourself you might gain a little bit of weight. Though, you will probably look better because you are toning your body and cutting the fat.

Even body fat can be inaccurate. The electronic ones can varies based on how much you've been drinking. The calipers and taping can be calculated wrong.

The key is to just get rid of the scale. It is about how you look and how you feel.
Click here for a more in depth explanation and remember, stay motivated

Monday, November 10, 2008

Keeping a Record

Keep a journal or record of your workouts. Record the date and time of when you exercised. Keep track of how much weight you did, how many repetitions, how many exercises and what kind of exercise. If you ran record how long and how far and the type of running you did (long distance casual/short distance/sprints/intervals/etc). Write down how you felt which each workout. Did you like the workout, was it exhausting, easy? You may even want to include in your journal pictures of yourself so you can track your progress.

Using this technique you can see how you have evolved and you can make improvements on workouts. Once you start using one you can really learn how beneficial it can be.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Importance of Cooling Down

After vigorous aerobic exercise it is important to take 10 minutes or so to cool down gradually. Do not stop abruptly. For example, after a long run or jog, walk around and keep moving, rather than just stopping.

Cooling down properly (moving around) redistributes the blood that may have pooled in the extremities when you end your workout, and it prevents muscle stiffness because it allows the metabolic wastes to be worked out of your muscles.

from: exercise.lifetips.com

Monday, October 27, 2008

beginning a workout

When beginning a workout it is important to find your motivation. If you can find somebody with the same goals as you. This way when you don't want to work out your partner can get you going and vic versa. Like they say, "Two heads is better than one." You both can look up new workouts and new information to keep you going.
Also, if you are a beginner make sure you know what you are doing and cosult your physician before you start. Start light and take it easy. Stretching is crucial when you begin.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday (hump day)

A lot of people have trouble getting in a Wednesday to work out. Use Wednesday as a rest day or do something different. There are many things that are good for you body besides your regular workout. It is good to relax, stretch, or get a massage. This can help your body heal if you have been pushing yourself hard for a few days. You could even take a new class at the gym or pop in a video you haven't used in a long time. You could skip it all together or you could find something new to do so you don't miss it all together.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Welcome to Workout Motivation Blog. It is time for you to get motivated to start working out or continue working out. This blog will be an opportunity for everyone to share their ideas with everyone. I hope you all enjoy and GET MOTIVATED!