Monday, November 10, 2008

Keeping a Record

Keep a journal or record of your workouts. Record the date and time of when you exercised. Keep track of how much weight you did, how many repetitions, how many exercises and what kind of exercise. If you ran record how long and how far and the type of running you did (long distance casual/short distance/sprints/intervals/etc). Write down how you felt which each workout. Did you like the workout, was it exhausting, easy? You may even want to include in your journal pictures of yourself so you can track your progress.

Using this technique you can see how you have evolved and you can make improvements on workouts. Once you start using one you can really learn how beneficial it can be.


Kelley Dodd said...

I never thought of keeping a journal! I find it hard enough to commit to working out, let alone journaling about it, haha!

Allie Szima said...

I love you workout advice! i am training for a marathon so keeping a journal is a great idea because i can never remember how far i run.